It is said that "Adversity is a Blessing" "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." ~ Napoleon Hill Our Present Economic woes could as well be a Blessing. It was C. S. Lewis who said "Hardship often prepares ordinary people for extraordinary destiny" Albert Einstein puts it this way; "Adversity introduces a man to himself" For those with Entrepreneurial instinct, I share this article about the traits of a terrible leader. Back in 1993 when I was employed by the Public Finance Group and trained as a cashier to work in Arewa Mortgage Finance, the first lessons we were taught was on how to defraud a Bank, our lecturer insist knowing how this crimes are committed is key to preventing them. Knowing what makes for a bad leader, will help us avoid those pitfalls. Enjoy! 15 Traits of a Terrible Leader What all managers and CEOs should fix, stat (or risk having a bad reputa...