Our President is not a man known for making speeches but whenever he speaks, he attracts commendation and often opprobrium. When in his inauguration speech he made that now infamous "I belong to no one and I belong to everyone" quote, his supporters went agog online. One comment that caught my attention then was this "A Quotable Quote, something we did not get from GEJ in Six years" we now know that was not originality at work (apologies to Faze) Our President was at it again in the Launching of the "Change begins with me" campaign in what we now know was a duplicate of Barack Obama's 2008 Speech. He is also known to be frank and forthright when he answers reporters questions, remember 95% vs 5%? It's either the Presidents intelligent speech writers do not do a thorough work before handing him a speech to deliver or prepare him adequately before he attends interviews or somebody somewhere in the Presidency wants to make a very good man look ba...