Watched a video clip where football legend Cristiano Ronaldo disguised himself and played football in a busy street of Madrid for hours and got just a few glances from onlookers. Passersby were reluctant to either kick the ball back to him or watch his fancy foot walks with interest. The best attention he got came from a small boy who was fortunate to get an autographed ball and was the first to see the man behind the mask. Alas, when the real man emerged, he needed body guards to get him out safely from the crowd. MORALS FOR STARTUPS: When you are building a startup, understand that you are first selling a product: I have sat with intending CEO's that insist they want their startup to be like established brands in the industry. While that in itself is not a bad desire, ambition or goal, there are certain factors to CONSIDER viz... 1) WHEN YOU ARE UNKNOWN, YOU DON'T GET ATTENTION: Like the disguised Ronaldo, the process of unveiling your product to the ma...