HELPING THE NEEDY IS DOING THE RIGHT THING! 'You will never go without if you give to the poor. But if you’re heartless, stingy, and selfish, you invite curses upon yourself." ~ Proverbs 28:27 TPT A Few years back, I was in the company of some friends along Airport Road in Warri drinking and having what we termed good time, when a gentleman approached our table and whispered in the ears of one us that he has not had any food to eat for about two days if we can help. We were touched and everyone in the table reached to their pockets and gave him as much as each could spare But that singular encounter got us thinking; How many people go to Bed each night on empty stomachs? How many are in Orphanage homes hungry for food and essentially love? How many drop out of school because their parents can't afford school fees? Questions & more questions That encounter gave birth to an Organization called Frendzwitoutborders, a non profit organization committed ...