“80% of people keep their feelings to themselves because they believe it’s hard for others to understand their pain.”
Staggering statistics; I read the story of a young man who literally gave a breakdown of his last day on earth in social media from his last meal to the moment he took a plunge into the river to end it all.
In recent times, incidences of suicide has increased dramatically. Nigerians that are generally easy going and happy are now taking their own lives. we have heard of even people who appeared successful outside making suicide dives at the third mainland bridge. People with pains, probably no one around cared to listen.
“Where there is no [wise, intelligent] guidance, the people fall [and go off course like a ship without a helm], But in the abundance of [wise and godly] counselors there is victory.” ~ PROVERBS 11:14 AMP
Where Counsel is lacking, self talk is the best healing balm for a broken spirit. David encouraged himself, the Prodigal Son said to himself, the woman with the issue of Blood, said to herself and from despair hope is rekindled and life takes on a new meaning.
Today and always look out for the hurting around you and give a listening ear. If you are hurting in anyway, practice positive self talk.
Today is the tomorrow you prayed for yesterday, make it the Best!
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