OSUN RERUN: A RECURRING DECIMAL 1 "Power is okay, and stupidity is usually harmless. Power and stupidity together are dangerous" ~ Patrick Rothfuss Osun State was created out of the old Oyo State August 27, 1991. The State Known as the “Land of Virtue” has had a number of Military Administrators and Governors. The current being Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola We concluded the last treatise with the assertion by my friend that Former President Jonathan prevented Rauf Aregbesola from collecting loans from the World Bank hence his resolve to source for loans locally to finance infrastructural development resulting in his inability to pay salaries. This logic while its OK for market women discussion, does not hold water. Governors are essentially managers of resources - Man, Money and Materials. That a father took loans to pay school fees, and is therefore subjecting his children to starvation does not make sense. The Governor himself said; his inabili...